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French 1
This secular course is completely FREE and it is a recommendation of You Tube videos and other free online activities to do in order to continue on with your journey to learn the French language. If a specific link is no longer available, please post in the comments below which “week” and “day” so that I can replace it. I recommend that in Google Drive, you create Folder for French 1 and create “Documents” for your notes and assignments throughout this course. This way you can save your notes and assignments digitally. Of course you may opt to taking physical notes in a notebook or binder. In addition, in order to help immerse you with the target language of Spanish, you will be watching a telenovela-style video series. And last, you are responsible for staying in compliance with your home school state laws. I did not create the videos or assignments in this curriculum, they are just a suggestion of free resources available online. Use what is useful to you and skip what is not. I hope that this helps and blesses your family. Please leave comments if you have any questions, tips or suggestions!
You may be interested in these other free curriculum. Be sure to check them out too!
Week 1: Take Notes
Monday: 7 Tips for Learning a New Language Culture- French Speaking Countries Tuesday: France Geography Wednesday: French Greetings Practice Worksheet or Activity. Thursday: Numbers 0-20 Friday: Numbers 1-20 Song Practice Worksheet or Activity. Week 2: Take Notes Monday: The French Alphabet Spell out your name in French. Tuesday: Alphabet Song Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: Practice Worksheet or Activity. Thursday: Watch Greetings again and practice. French songs that will improve your French. Friday: Culture- Paris, France *Nude art is shown. Video Handout Week 3: Take Notes Monday: Accents-Part 1 Greetings Song Tuesday: Accents- Part 2 Greetings Song Wednesday: Accents- Part 3 Greetings Song Thursday: Accents- Part 4 Numbers/Hello Song Friday: Culture- French Canada Video Handout Week 4: Take Notes Monday: Days of the Week Practice Worksheet or Activity. Tuesday: Months of the Year Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: Days of the Week Song Months Song Practice Worksheet or Activity Thursday: Practice Worksheet or Activity Friday: Culture- French influence in Vietnam Video Handout Week 5: Take Notes Monday: The Weather & Seasons Weather and Seasons Song Practice Worksheet or Activity. Tuesday: Watch Greetings again and practice. Watch Numbers 0-20 again & practice. Wednesday: Study flashcards then take the Quiz- Greetings/Introductions Study flashcards then take the Quiz- Numbers Thursday: Study flashcards then take the Quiz- Weather/Seasons Friday: Culture-Travel Guide to Quebec City Video Handout Week 6: Take Notes Monday: Definite Articles Practice Worksheet or Activity. Tuesday: Indefinite Articles Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: Definite/Indefinite Song Practice Worksheet or Activity. Thursday: Subject Pronouns Subject Pronoun Song Practice Worksheet or Activity. Friday: Culture- Gabon, Africa Video Handout
Week 7: Take Notes
Monday: Subject Pronouns Song Subject Pronouns Practice Worksheet or Activity. Tuesday: Tu or Vous? Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: Être (to be) & Avoir (to have) Practice Worksheet or Activity. Thursday: Etre Verb Song Avoir Verb Song Practice Worksheet or Activity. Friday: Culture- Africa’s French Problem Video Handout Week 8: Take Notes Monday: Etre Verb Song Avoir Verb Song "Etre & Avoir" Practice Worksheet or Activity. Tuesday: Etre et Avoir Verbs Song Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: "Etre & Avoir" Test Thursday: Watch Greetings again and practice. Friday: Culture- French Superstitions Video Handout Week 9: Take Notes Monday: Aller (to go) Aller Verb Song Flash Cards Practice Worksheet or Activity. Tuesday: Aller Verb Song Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: Aller Verb Song Practice Worksheet or Activity. Thursday: Test Friday: Culture- French Urban Legends Part 1 *May be scary. Video Handout Week 10: Take Notes Monday: The Colors- Part 1 Practice Worksheet or Activity. Tuesday: The Colors- Part 2 Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: Colors Song Practice Worksheet or Activity. Thursday: Colors Song Practice Worksheet or Activity. Friday: Culture- French Urban Legends Part 2 *May be scary. Video Handout Week 11: Take Notes Monday: French Adjectives Rules- Masculine/Femenine Adjectives Song Practice Worksheet or Activity. Tuesday: Describing People Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: 100 Useful Adjectives Practice Worksheet or Activity. Thursday: Watch Greetings again and practice. Friday: Culture- Halloween in France All Saints Day- November 1st Halloween in France (All in French, for listening practice) Video Handout Week 12: Take Notes Monday: Expressing Likes and Dislikes Tuesday: Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: Practice Worksheet or Activity. Thursday: Fill-in-the-blank Song Listening Activity Listen to the song as many times as needed. Song: Derniere Danse by Indila Friday: Culture- Guinea Video Handout
Week 13: Take Notes
Monday: Age and Birthday Practice Worksheet or Activity. Tuesday: Family Vocabulary- Part 1 Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: Family Vocabulary- Part 2 Practice Worksheet or Activity. Thursday: Family Song Practice Worksheet or Activity. Friday: Culture- What is Bastille Day? History of Bastille Day Video Handout Week 14: Monday: Family Project Tuesday: Project Wednesday: Project Thurday: Project Friday: Culture- Things You Didn’t Know About Paris Video Handout Week 15: Take Notes Monday: Christmas Vocabulary Practice Worksheet or Activity. Tuesday: 20 French Christmas Emojis Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: French Christmas Greetings Make Christmas cards in French. Thursday: Practice Worksheet or Activity. Friday: Culture- Christmas in France Video Handout Christmas Color By Number Week 16: Monday: Culture-Traditions Video Handout Tuesday: Culture- Christmas in Paris Video Handout Wednesday: Culture- 440 Year Old Christmas Market Video Handout Thursday: Christmas (In French for Listening Practice) Video Handout Friday: French Christmas Log Recipe Video Handout Week 17: Mid-Term Exam Monday: Review for the Midterm Exam by studying the flashcards in Quizlet. Tuesday: Review for the Midterm Exam by studying the flashcards in Quizlet. Wednesday: Review for the Midterm Exam by doing the Match in Quizlet. Thursday: Review for the Midterm Exam by doing the Match in Quizlet. Friday: Mid-Term Exam: Take the Test in Quizlet.
Week 18: Take Notes
Monday: Telling Time in French- part 1 Telling Time Song Practice Worksheet or Activity. Tuessday: Telling Time in French- part 2 Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: Reading Comprehension Activity Thursday: Quiz Friday: Culture- New Year Celebrations Video Handout Week 19: Take Notes Monday: Asking Where questions Question Words Song Tuesday: Asking When questions Question Words Rap Wednesday: Asking Why questions Thursday: Asking Who questions Friday: Culture- French Heritage in New Orleans, Louisiana Video Handout Week 20: Take Notes Monday: Asking How questions Tuesday: Asking How Many questions Wednesday: Asking What/Which questions- part 1 Thursday: Asking What/Which questions- part 2 Friday: Culture- 10 Culture Shocks Video Handout Week 21: Take Notes Monday: Asking Which one questions Tuesday: Asking questions using EST-CE QUE Wednesday: Asking questions with Inversions Thursday: Asking questions using NEST-CE PAS Friday: Culture- Tour de France Video Handout Week 22: Monday: Practice Worksheet or Activity. Tuesday: Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: Practice Worksheet or Activity. Thursday: Practice Worksheet or Activity. Friday: Culture-Louisiana’s Mardi Gras Celebrating Mardi Gras History of the King Cake Recipe for King Cake Video Handout Week 23: Take Notes Monday: 3 French Verb Groups Present Tense Verb Endings Song Practice Worksheet or Activity. Tuesday: “ER” Present Tense Verbs ER Verbs Song Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: “IR” Present Tense Verbs IR Verbs Song Practice Worksheet or Activity. Thursday: "RE" Present Tense Verbs RE Verbs Song Practice Worksheet or Activity Friday: Culture- Mardi Gras in France France’s Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday (All in French, for listening practice) Video Handout
Week 24: Take Notes
Monday: 100 Useful French Verbs Practice Worksheet or Activity Tuesday: Conjugation Back Song Verb Conjugation Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: Verb Conjugation Practice Worksheet or Activity. Thursday: Fill-in-the-Blank Song Listening Activity Listen as many times as needed. Song: Je Vole by Louane Friday: Culture-French Caribbean Carnival French Caribbean Food Video Handout Week 25: Monday: Verb Conjugation Practice Worksheet or Activity. Tuesday: Verb Conjugation Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: Verb Conjugation Practice Worksheet or Activity. Thursday: Test Friday: Culture- La Bise (Double Cheek Kiss) Video Handout Week 26: Take Notes Monday: Numbers 0-100 Numbers Song Practice Worksheet or Activity. Tuesday: Counting in 10s Wednesday: Ordinal Numbers Ordinal Numbers Song Practice Worksheet or Activity. Thursday: Money Euro Money Explained Practice Canadian Worksheet , Euro Worksheet or Activity. Friday: Culture- Notre Dame Cathedral Notre Dame Fire Video Handout Week 27: Take Notes Monday: Clothes Vocabulary- Part 1 Practice Worksheet or Activity. Tuesday: Clothes Vocabulary- Part 2 Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: Clothes Vocabulary- Part 3 Practice Worksheet or Activity. Thursday: Clothes Shop Practice Worksheet or Activity. Friday: Culture- Eating Snails in France Video Handout Week 28: Take Notes Monday: Food Vocabulary Video Handout Tuesday: Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: Practice Worksheet or Activity. Thursday: Practice Worksheet or Activity. Friday: Culture- Easter in French Easter USA vs France Video Handout Week 29: Take Notes Monday: Ordering in a French Restaurant Practice Worksheet or Activity. Tuesday: Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: French Regional Food Project or French Cooking Project Thursday: Continue/Finish Project Friday: Culture- Top 10 Iconic People From France Video Handout
Week 30: Take Notes
Monday: Fill-in-the-Blank Song Listening Activity Listen to the song as many times as needed. Song: Plus de Peine by Ronisia Tuesday: Project Watch Greetings again and practice. Wednesday: Places Vocabulary Part 1 Practice Worksheet or Activity. Thursday: Places Vocabulary Part 2 Practice Worksheet or Activity. Friday: Culture- Cannes, France Video Handout Week 31: Take Notes Monday: Places Vocabulary Part 3 Practice Worksheet or Activity. Tuesday: Prepositions Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: Practice Worksheet or Activity. Thursday: Practice Worksheet or Activity. Friday: Culture- Are French People Rude? Video Handout Week 32: Take Notes Monday: Asking for Directions Notes Handout Practice Worksheet or Activity. Tuesday: Practice Worksheet or Activity. Wednesday: Practice Worksheet or Activity. Thursday: Fill-in-the-Blank Song Listening Activity Listen to the song as many times as needed. Song: "Magic in the Air" by Magic System Friday: Culture-Ivory Coast (Côte D'ivoire) Video Handout Week 33: Monday: 3 Days in Paris Project Tuesday: Project Wednesday: Project Thursday: Project Friday: Culture- A Day In The Life at French Public School Video Handout Week 34: Take Notes Monday: Emergency Situations Tuesday: French You Tubers (All in French, for listening practice) Wednesday: Reading Comprehension Activity Reading Comprehension Activity Reading Comprehension Activity Thursday: Fill-in-the-blank Song Listening Activity Listen to the song as many times as needed. Song: Voila by Bryan Adams Friday: Culture- French Men Stereotypes Culture- French Women Stereotypes Video Handout Week 35: Take Notes Monday: Introducing Yourself & Common Phrases Tuesday: Watch again and practice saying out loud. Wednesday: Watch again and practice saying out loud. Thursday: Watch again and practice saying out loud. Friday: Culture-10 Top Tourist Attractions in France Video Handout Week 36: Final Exam Monday: Review for the Final Exam by studying the flashcards in Quizlet. Review for the Final Exam by studying the flashcards in Quizlet. Tuesday: Review for the Final Exam by studying the flashcards in Quizlet. Wednesday: Review for the Final Exam by doing the Match game in Quizlet. Thursday: Review for the Final Exam by doing the Match game in Quizlet. Friday: Take the Final Exam by taking the Test in Quizlet.
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